Since 2003, we’ve helped hundreds of organisations take advantage of the financial benefits of solar. We make the process simple with our end-to-end approach and will provide you with a detailed and easy to understand business case, which features a year-on-year breakdown of estimated savings.
The ultimate and on-going financial benefit from commercial solar power is a reduced electricity bill. Some of our clients have seen up to a 75% reduction in their monthly electricity costs thanks to solar. A solar system will offset any of the variable charges on your bill, whether they are Energy, Network, Environmental or Market/Ancillary charges. On top of this, solar can impact and potentially reduce Demand and Capacity charges under your Network costs – this is however dependent on your tariff structure from your DNSP. Solar will deliver month-on-month and year-on-year savings on your bill thanks to the long term warranties that accompany the components.
Your organisation may be eligible for a grant for the installation of commercial solar on your premises. Grants are potentially available from some Government bodies (State or Local Councils) depending on your location and industry. Get in contact with us to find out if your organisation is eligible for an additional grant.
Commercial solar provides a 20 Year Tax Benefit for organisations that are eligible for depreciation. Todae Solar will provide your organisation with an estimated tax benefit for the life of the system according to ATO requirements. Small businesses (under $2 million revenue) are eligible for accelerated depreciation for purchases under $20,000. Todae Solar can provide more insight as to how your small business can take advantage of this.
On top of the significant financial benefits, a commercial solar system can deliver environmental benefits for your organisation. This can be marketed to demonstrate your differentiation and commitment to the environment. Many of our customers have used this in their marketing to successfully differentiate themselves and win additional business. Todae Solar provides online monitoring which can be used to demonstrate the impact your solar system is making. Contact us to find out more about our customer success stories.
Under the Federal Governments Renewable Energy Target scheme, businesses can install solar systems that are heavily subsidised. Depending on your location and the system installed, this can potentially cover over 50% of the cost of the system. The scheme is separated into two sectors – Small-Scale (under 100kW installations) and Large-Scale (over 100kW installations).
Small-Scale installations are eligible for Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC’s) which provide an upfront discount on the cost of a system, to significantly improve the ROI. Todae Solar claims STC’s on your behalf – STC’s can cover up to 50% of the system cost to a value of over $70,000.
Large-scale installations are eligible for Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGC’s) which are provided to businesses on an ongoing basis until 2030. Each year, Todae Solar will create, register and sell LGC’s on your behalf – to provide your business with an ongoing revenue stream from solar. The Net Present Value of these LGC’s over the lifetime of the system may cover up to 60% of the upfront cost.
Some councils provide Environmental Upgrade Agreements, which allow tenants to take advantage of solar. These tri-party agreements offer an easy solution for both renters and landlords. Todae Solar can advise if your business is eligible for an EUA.
Whilst Feed-in Tariffs are very common for residential solar, they are less common for commercial installations. Most businesses consume electricity during daylight hours, so Feed-in Tariffs are less important. However, Feed-in Tariffs for businesses are becoming more common and can provide an additional payment (or credit) for electricity exported back to the grid of up to 12c/kWh. This provides a financial return on any unused electricity. Get in contact with us to find more information about Feed-in Tariffs.
Todae Solar has finance solutions that provide immediate cash flow positive returns. These can be utilised for reducing your energy costs without any upfront capital. Todae Solar has access to market competitive finance from leading finance institutions. Find out more information here.
We have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth and a national network of fully accredited solar installers. Sustainability is at our core. Since 2003, the foundation of Todae Solar has focused on sustainable business development.
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